Informative resources to help you with social distancing and staying healthy

Stay Healthy.

wash your hands

Wash Your Hands

Yes, you (hopefully) were taught how to wash your hands as a child but desperate times call for desperate measures. Check out these tips on getting a good scrub every time.

social distancing

Social Distancing

There’s a way for all of us to help and it starts and ends here. Keeping away from others decreases the ability of the virus to spread. The infographic linked explains.

have a plan

Have a Plan

So you washed your hands and you stayed at home and you’re still feeling sniffly. What do you do now? Click below for expert advice on your next steps to take.

Stay Informed.

orlando sentinel covid-19 updates

Local Updates

The Orlando Sentinel has compiled a chart with all reported cases of coronavirus in Florida that will be updated daily. Click below to access the map.


What is a coronavirus?

The Orange County Library System has compiled some easy to understand explanations of what a coronavirus is. They also have lots of online resources (eBooks, audiobooks, movies and more) to help keep your days filled.

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Staying Sane

It can be difficult to not get overwhelmed by all of the news and uncertainty. Yale Medicine shares some stay cool advice here to help you keep a level head and to answer your questions calmly and rationally.

Stay Entertained.

bungalower restaurants


Our favorite Orlando website, Bungalower, has compiled a comprehensive list of all of the restaurants that are doing take-away and delivery orders. Check it out below.

watching TV


The consumable media experts at the New York Times have been ready for this for years. Check out their continuously updating recommendations below.

kids playing


This deserves its own full page. There’s so much content that’s been made available specifically for kids this week that we’ve made a dedicated page to corral it all.

Stay Hopeful.

penguins leaping off rocks


From neighbors helping each other to penguins on patrol, here’s a few stories to bring a smile to your face.

basketball swoosh

See the Magic Win

FOX Sports Florida wants to remind you of a better time so they’ll be re-playing all of the Orlando Magic’s wins from this season. Check out the schedule here.

neon lights


In a time of hardship, we can find solace when we look for the helpers. For many of our friends and neighbors, food, jobs, and hope have become scarce. If you’re able to, let’s help them out with donations to Central Florida United Way.